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Hands-On Australian Money Pack | Years 5-6

Hands-On Australian Money Pack | Years 5-6

Regular price $10.95 AUD
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Includes 10 hands-on, differentiated activities to develop problem-solving skills and a solid understanding when organising money, making financial plans and calculating percentages.

This pack also provides extra tasks that revise money concepts taught in the earlier years for students who may need additional work on counting, sorting, rounding, adding and subtracting Australian currency (including calculating change).

Tasks have been carefully created to meet ACARA standards for these grade levels and are aimed to build proficiency, fluency and confidence in students solving problems using Australian money.

This pack not only provides opportunities for hands-on learning but also develops all five proficiency strands: communicating, problem solving, reasoning, understanding and fluency.

Looking for another Grade?

How this Pack Works:

Each activity has a task card stated the learning intention that can be used by the teacher, parent helper or read by students themselves (2 versions of each task card is included: an A4 poster and an A5 version that can be folded in half to create a standing sign).


* 10 Hands-on activities (including task cards + photo examples of each activity)

* Learning Intention for every task

* Teacher Differentiation guide

* ACARA links

Assessment Tools:

* Pretest

* Differentiated Assessments (change flowers)

* Money investigation

* Editable Teacher Checklist

**Features new $5 and $10 design**

Skills covered:

★Counts, orders and compares money collections (Revision)

★Adds and subtracts Australian currency(Revision)

★Calculates change (Revision)

★Rounds transactions to the nearest 5c (Revision)

★Calculates GST

★Calculate percentage discounts of 10%, 25% & 50%

★Create simple financial plans& budgets

★Solves problems with and without digital technologies

★Uses a variety of strategies to solve money problems


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We hope you and your students enjoy this resource!

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