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The Gratitude Project | Thankful Project

The Gratitude Project | Thankful Project

Regular price $5.50 AUD
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The Gratitude project is the perfect way to teach your students on how to include gratitude in their daily lives. Ideal for Thanksgiving or any other time of year. Included are 12 different guided gratitude mini projects with a matching workbook.

This project aims to expose young minds to an understanding of gratitude and how the mindful practice of gratitude can make us happier and healthier.

The Gratitude Project provides students with learning and investigating opportunities to develop an understanding of what it means to be thankful, discover what others are thankful for, as well as reflecting upon what they are grateful for in their own lives.

The project is about changing attitudes and seeing the world through the lens of a grateful heart.


About the Gratitude Projects:

Some projects require research or talking to each other. While others include reflecting, writing or designing. We have added a reflective flipbook to scaffold and guide students in completing the projects. Of course, students could also record their findings directly in their workbook if you wanted to save on paper and photocopying.



  • 12 ‘Gratitude Hearts’ (once printed, each heart contains one project)
  • “The Gratitude Project” flipbook (guided/scaffolded recording)
  • Weekly Gratitude journal template
  • ‘The Gratitude Project’ bulletin board display letters
  • Seven gratitude quotes – display posters (B&W)
  • Teacher differentiation guide and list of projects

Other uses for this pack:

This pack could be used when celebrating Thanksgiving, ‘Grateful in April’ or when you introducing a daily gratitude routine into your classroom.


❤️What teachers are saying about this resource❤️

"EXACTLY what I was looking for my students. A wonderful project!!" Jennifer

"This was well worth the money I spent. Knowing what is included I think it is worth even more than what it costs. Such a great product!" Social Emotional Station

"Everything about this was so pretty. It really helped foster a sense of community in my 6th grade class." Jessica

"I love this resource! The students were so responsive and loved the challenges set each day. It's a great way for everyone to focus on the positives and become more empathetic as a group. Love It!" Donna


We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope that this resource helps you and your students!


This product goes well with our student wellbeing resources:

The Gratitude Tree

Positive Affirmation display and journal prompts

Student Wellbeing Journal


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