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Spot The Number Games | Multiplication & Division Facts

Spot The Number Games | Multiplication & Division Facts

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These Spot The Number games are designed to consolidate students' learning when it comes to multiplication and division facts. Ideally, you would have already provided students with many hands-on, visual opportunities to explore how to calculate division and multiplication questions.

Once students have a solid understanding of these operations (multiplication + division), the spot the number games are a perfect game to play to develop students’ mental math skills further.

Spot the Number can be used for morning activities, lesson warm-ups, transitions, whole class or small group activities. Pretty much, they can be used anytime during the school day.



  1. Print out the algorithm cards. You may choose to print on different colours for easy identification.
  2. Print the accompanying board game, and your students are ready to play. This game can be played independently, or with 2– 4 players.
  3. Players take turns to flip over an algorithm card and try to spot the answer on the gameboard.
  4. Once found, they cover the answer with a counter on the gameboard and place thealgorithm card in the discard pile.
  5. If students can’t find the answer, they turn the card back over, and the next player takes a turn. The winner is the person with the most counters on the game board.



• How to play

• x /÷ 2 – 12 gameboard

• x /÷ 2 – 12 algorithm cards


This game is ideal for mixed-ability groups. We suggest printing only the games students feel confident solving mentally, such as 2,5,10, and adding more games.


We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope you and your students enjoy this bundle of resources.

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Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF

Number of pages: 27

File size: 16 MB

* Compressed Zip File



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