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Place Value Posters | Interactive Place Value Chart [Pastel Theme]

Place Value Posters | Interactive Place Value Chart [Pastel Theme]

Regular price $4.20 AUD
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Teach your students to read, record and understand numbers and how they work with this beautiful poster set. They have been designed as the perfect visual to keep displayed in your classroom all year round to support your teaching and student’s learning when it comes to place value and our number system.

Place value is a vital mathematical concept but can be a difficult one for students. It is the key to understanding our number system and so many other mathematical skills depend on a solid understanding of it. It is a concept that needs to be explicitly taught and revised for students to gain a deep understanding.

Display these posters according to the size of the numbers your students are working with and add to your display as the year progresses and students begin to work with larger numbers.

Use the digit cards included to create an ‘interactive’ place value chart for students to work with. Create numbers to use as examples or choose a ‘number of the day’ to work with as a fluency warmup or for your learning activities.

**Note: Extra files have been recently added to include numbers containing commas as well as decimal posters that include images**


Included in this pack:

  • A4 sized display posters (hundredths-billions) in colour
  • A4 sized display posters (hundredths-billions) in B&W
  • Decimal place poster and circle
  • ½ size display posters (colour and B&W)
  • Powers of 10 cards
  • Digit cards (0-9 and decimal place)
  • ’Space’ / ‘Comma’ / , cards to assist students in recording numbers
  • x10 arrow cards and /10 cards

Simply print, laminate and use!


❤️ What people say about this resource: ❤️

"I use these everyday. They visually reinforce place value and are easy to read." Peta

"Great resource! Perfect for my place value unit! Thank you!" Michelle

"An amazing resource!! I love how this looks in my classroom and it is such a good reference point for the students!" Mrs Goldthorp


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