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NZ ANZAC Day Pack | New Zealand ANZAC Day Activities | Years 2-3

NZ ANZAC Day Pack | New Zealand ANZAC Day Activities | Years 2-3

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This pack has been created to teach Year 2 - 3 students about the importance of ANZAC Day in New Zealand. It includes a set of learning activities that can be used as a sequenced series of lessons or as individual tasks.

Also available for other year groups

Year 1

Year 4 - 6

Resources included:

-Coloured Lapel Poppies

- B&W Lapel Poppies

- ANZAC Bunting

- The ANZAC Ode

- What is ANZAC Day BLM (support task)

- What ANZAC Day means to me BLM (extended task)

- National Anthem cloze passage

- ‘The Red Poppy’ information sheet & tasks

- Design a Wreath

- The Gratitude Poppy

- Postcard creative writing task

- Poem/Prayer/letter creative writing task

- ANZAC word search

- Making ANZAC Cookies

- ANZAC Cookies Maths

- ANZAC colouring page

-Lined ANZAC themed writing paper (2 line sizes)

-BONUS: ANZAC themed Exit Ticket

-BONUS: ANZAC themed Student Tags


No further teacher prep needed, simply print and use!


We hope you and your students enjoy this resource.

Thanks for visiting!



Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF

Number of pages: 31

File size: 24 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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