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NZ ANZAC Day Pack | New Zealand ANZAC Day Activities | Year 1

NZ ANZAC Day Pack | New Zealand ANZAC Day Activities | Year 1

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This pack has been created to teach young students about the importance of ANZAC Day in New Zealand. It includes a set of learning activities that can be used as a sequenced series of lessons or as individual tasks. It is suitable for New Entrants and Year 1.

Also available for other years

Year 2 - 3

Year 4 - 6

Resources included:

-Teacher Guide: Ways to use Lapel Poppies

-Coloured Lapel Poppies

-B&W Lapel Poppies

-What is ANZAC Day (shared reading and reflection)

-What is ANZAC Day listening task

-‘I wonder’ response: Making our world a more peaceful place

- What is ANZAC Day – trace and colour

- ANZAC Bunting

- ANZAC sentence cut and create 1

- ANZAC sentence cut and create 2

- National Anthem BLM 1 (English version)

- National Anthem BLM 2 (Maori version)

- Flag reconstruction and labelling task

- Design a Medal of Courage BLM 1

- Design a Medal of Courage BLM 2

- ANZAC Cookies Maths 1

- ANZAC Cookies Maths 2

- ANZAC Cookies Maths 3

- Poppy Tens frame match

- ANZAC Day colouring

- BONUS: ANZAC themed Student Tags

No further teacher prep needed, simply print and use!


We hope you and your students enjoy this resource.

Thanks for visiting!



Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF

Number of pages: 27

File size: 15 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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