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Number Of The Day Templates | Number Sense To 6-Digit

Number Of The Day Templates | Number Sense To 6-Digit

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Includes 25 generic Number of the Day templates to engage students learning about how the number system works. They have been created so you can use them with any number up to 6-digits.

Each template includes a range of appropriate number sense skills to help develop competent and confident mathematicians in your classroom.

An editable version is included so you can translate into any language!

We have included a range of templates that cover different number skills expected according to the Australian ACARA outcomes and the Common Core Standards.

This document has been broken up into five sections: 2-digit numbers, 3-digit numbers, 4-digit numbers, 5-digit numbers and any digit numbers. Each section has four different templates as well as a half page template. Use the different worksheets to focus on particular skills, differentiate or provide variety for your students.


  • 5 x 2-digit number templates (the first template is suited to teen numbers specifically)
  • 5 x 3-digit number templates
  • 5 x 4-digit number templates
  • 5 x 5-digit number templates
  • 5 x any digit number templates
  • Links to ACARA (Australian Curriculum) and Common Core Standards
  • Editable assessment checklist (see separate file)

How to use these templates:

There are so many ways you can use these templates in your classroom or homeschool. They are an ideal assessment, lesson warmup, math rotation task or revision lesson. They also provide an effortless way to differentiate for your students who are working with different sized numbers or working to master different number sense skills.

These templates are also an authentic opportunity to integrate student choice into your mathematics lessons, with students working on numbers of their choice.

Use Number of the Day as an ideal ‘grab and go’ lesson for those days that you may need it. Enlarge a copy to model each skill to the class or small group and then ask them to have a go independently using a different number.


Looking for other Number Sense and Place Value resources? Check out these:

Differentiated Place Value Games and Worksheets

Place Value Bundle

Grade 2 Hands on Number Pack

Grade 3-4 Hands on Number Pack

Number Sense Flowers

Place Value Interactive Poster set


❤️ What people are saying about this resource ❤️

"Excellent resource for teaching place value and number concepts. Caters for a range of ability levels by using different size numbers." Linda

"Love the work gone into these and we love taking the dice each day and creating some amazing combos! Thanks" Buyer

"Awesome warm up for whole number and place value work" Buyer

"So many levels ready to use, thanks" Helen

‘My students loved this resource. It was easy for them to understand and also helped me to understand their level of knowledge regarding place value etc.’ Kate H

‘I love how this offers so many different sheets to use. I can use this for many different grades in the future as well.’ Van Anh L

‘These are brilliant. The simple differentiation between the sheets is so effective. All my students feel like they are doing the same work. Very effective.’ Maddison P


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Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF + Powerpoint

Number of pages: 46

File size: 38 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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