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Mother's Day Love Jars & Activity Pack | Mother's Day Gift

Mother's Day Love Jars & Activity Pack | Mother's Day Gift

Regular price $3.60 AUD
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Mother's Day Love Jars are ideal to celebrate a Mother’s (or any other significant caregivers) LOVE. We have created this pack based around the theme of LOVE so it can be used without any special adaptation for Mothers, Grandmothers, Stepmothers, Aunts or any other special person in a child’s life.

A Love Jar is a personalised gift that is simple, easy, and effective (it is bound to bring a tear to any recipients eye). The word ‘Mum/Mom’ isn’t especially used therefore this pack can be used worldwide for Mother’s Day celebrations.

What is included?

  • ­“Love Jar” Personalised Gift – Teacher instructions + photos of examples
  • ­Love Jar swing tags – 2 designs
  • ­Love Jar labels – 2 designs
  • ­Love Jar Message Tags and Tokens B&W
  • ­Love Jar Message Tags – editable B&W
  • ­Love Jar Message Tags and Tokens Colour
  • ­Love Jar Message Tags – editable Colour
  • ­Paper jar template (ideal if you are short on time)

To Digitally Edit:

Add a text box and type where you wish to place your message. Please note, due to copyright restrictions you can only add to this document. Design, clipart, and fonts are locked in place.

Spelling Variations:

Page 18 and 25 have tags with spelling that is specific to the United States.

Late to the Party or Jar Shortage?

We have included a paper jar if you are trying to create this gift at the last minute and don’t have jars. Alternatively, we have seen this gift made with paper bags, snap-lock bags, and envelopes and they have all looked equally as great!

No further teacher prep needed, simply print and use!


What other teachers are saying...

❤️ ‘Such a cute idea! I used little noodle boxes from Kmart instead of jars!’ Kristy A

❤️ ‘My students loved creating these for Mothers' Day. They loved it so much they wanted to make one for the Principal and the Stage 3 AP!’ Melissa J

❤️ ‘My students loved this project! They would try to complete when they should've been doing something else ;)’ Elizabeth J

❤️ ‘The students enjoyed making this resource and the mums loved them!’ Melissa C

❤️‘My student's mom's/guardians loved these! They said they loved reading them and continually show them to friends and family!’ Katie L

❤️ Absolutely loved this. An easy, expense-free gift that was a hit with all the mums.’ Cara C

❤️These were so cute!! I did these this year with my students for Mother's Day and it was a total hit! All the parents loved them. I even did one for my mom. ‘ Melinda T


We are passionate about helping teachers at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope you and your students and their Mamas enjoy this resource!

Thanks for visiting!


Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF + Powerpoint

Number of pages: 26

File size: 16 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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