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Math Operations Vocabulary Flowers

Math Operations Vocabulary Flowers

Regular price $3.00 AUD
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This pack has been created as a lesson for students to learn the maths vocabulary associated to the different operations in Maths. Additionally, this resource can be used to create an interactive display in the classroom to support students learning.

A perfect lesson for when students are learning about math word problems, as it will assist students to become better at identifying and understanding what words mean and which operation it is referring to. Students can keep these vocabulary flowers in their books to use as a reference throughout the year.


«Addition Vocabulary Flower

«Subtraction Vocabulary Flower

«Multiplication Vocabulary Flower

«Division Vocabulary Flower

«Equals Vocabulary Flower

«Vocabulary words for each operation

Additional flowers can be provided if students accumulate more than 8 words to match a particular number of operations.

Teacher Note: You can choose to print these for your students or have them write in their own notes into the interactive notebook template.

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