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Identifying 2D Shapes & 3D Objects | Maths Craft | Grades 1-2

Identifying 2D Shapes & 3D Objects | Maths Craft | Grades 1-2

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Help your students discover 2D shapes and 3D objects in the world around them with this Maths craft activity. We have also included a digital version of this resource suitable for distance learning.

Give your students the template of your choice and set them off in search around the classroom. This is a fun way to do a shape hunt and allows for different types of learners to be engaged.

How this resource works:

We have included templates for individual 2D shapes and 3D objects if you are just focusing on a shape/object at a time. However, if you want students to work on all 2D shapes or 3D objects, we have included a template where they can look for them in the environment and match the shapes they find to the properties of that shape (this makes a cute classroom display).

To make this resource a little more interactive, you may want to cut a hole in the lens of the camera so the students can feel like they are taking an actual photograph as they move around (a hole punch works perfectly).

Finally, at end of the resource, we have included an alternative template where the students need to attach the clipart to their work.

Digital version: students investigate their environment, take photographs and insert them onto their google template.

Assessment Opportunity:

This is a great lesson to use during explicit teaching but would also lend itself to an assessment as well. We have included blank ‘Who am I?’ cards for students to create their own list of properties for the shapes they find for this purpose (it also works as an ideal extension option).



•2D shape hunt with matching shape property flaps (+ blank flaps)

•Circle hunt template

•Triangle hunt template

•Rectangle hunt template

•Square hunt template

•3D object hunt with matching shape property flaps (+ blank flaps)

•Cubes hunt template

•Prisms hunt template

•Pyramids hunt template

•Spheres hunt template

•Cones hunt template

•Cylinders hunt template

•Girl / Boy with camera template

•Full page shape hunt

•Full page 2D shape and 3D object hunt checklist

Digital version of this activity also included with technical help throughout


We hope you and your students enjoy this resource!


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