Hands-On Place Value Activities | Number Sense | Grades 3-4
Hands-On Place Value Activities | Number Sense | Grades 3-4
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This comprehensive resource is designed to provide your students with hands-on, differentiated activities to build place value and number skills, as well as reflection activities and open-ended problem-solving tasks suitable for Grade 3 and 4. You will use this resource over and over.
Also available for the following grades:
Tasks included have been carefully created to meet the Common Core standards and Australian curriculum outcomes for this grade level and will build proficiency, fluency, and confidence in allowing students to practice and develop their number skills. This, in turn, will have a positive effect on their success in other mathematical strands and overall enjoyment of mathematics.
How this Pack Works:
Each activity has a task card that can be used by the teacher, parent helper or read by the students themselves (2 versions of each task card is included: an A4 poster and an A5 version that can be folded in half to create a standing sign). On every A4 poster, there is a list of resources needed for the task. Activities can be used and differentiated for the whole class, used as components of numeracy rotations or intervention activities in small groups to support or extend students.
We have also included two pages for teachers to use as a guide to differentiate each task to cater for the individual learners in your classroom.
Skills covered:
✦ Reading and recording numbers
✦ Place value
✦ Numbers before and after
✦ Skip counting
✦ Greater than and less than
✦ Partitioning numbers in standard and non-standard form
✦ Expanded notation
✦ Number lines
✦ Recording numbers in words
✦ Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
✦ Adding and subtracting 10 and 100
✦ Ascending and descending order
✦ Number lines
✦ Smallest and largest number
Common Core Standards covered:
3.NBT.1. , 3.NBT.2. F, 3.NBT.3., 4.NBT.1., 4.NBT.2. ,4.NBT.3.
Australian Curriculum Links:
Also available our All About Number - Exit Tickets
• Digit Cards
• Place Value chart
• 4, 5 and 6-digit number cards (number cards)
16 Hands-on Activities:
• Counting Races
• Greater than & Less than
• Smallest & Largest Numbers
• Ascending and descending order
• MAB Towers
• Make a number cards
• Making a number cards
• Representing Numbers Bunting
• Number Line Mysteries (challenge task)
• Garden Number Line
• Rounding to 10, 100, 1000
• 'Round it' Game
• Partitioning: Standard vs Non-standard form
• Partitioning Puzzles
• Number Investigation
• Number Task Cards
Assessment tools
- Number knowledge interactive worksheet
- Number of the Day BLM (3 variations are included depending on your students’ needs )
- “Explain your Rounding,” “How much money?” and “Place Value Problems” open-ended problems
- Assessment checklist (see separate file for editable version)
❤️ What people say about this resource: ❤️
“Incredibly organized, well thought out, and super engaging! Did I mention that the students LOVE it and don't even realize all the number sense skills they are building. Class favorite is the counting races. Such a simple, brilliant idea!” AnneMarie
“Awesome - thanks. This was really helpful when catering for the different levels the children are working at” Olivia
"Absolutely love this pack. Use it during our Maths Rotations and the kids have a great time in small groups. Easy to follow instruction cards help heaps with independent set up" Chelsey
"Loved, loved, loved this resource! it was so easy to use and follow!" Maryse
No further teacher prep needed, simply print, laminate, use and assess!
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