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Hands-On Australian Money Pack | Years 3-4

Hands-On Australian Money Pack | Years 3-4

Regular price $10.95 AUD
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This Australian money activity pack for Years 3 and 4 includes everything you need to teach money! This resource includes hands-on, differentiated activities to develop skills and a solid understanding when counting, sorting, rounding, adding and subtracting Australian currency (including calculating change).

Australian money tasks have been carefully created to meet ACARA standards for these grade levels and are aimed to build proficiency, fluency and confidence in students solving problems using Australian money.

This Australian money activity pack not only provides opportunities for hands-on learning but also develops all five proficiency strands: communicating, problem-solving, reasoning, understanding and fluency.

Looking for another Grade?

Find our Year 1 Pack here.

Find our Year 2 Pack here.

How this Pack Works:

Each activity has a task card stated the learning intention that can be used by the teacher, parent helper or read by students themselves (2 versions of each task card is included: an A4 poster and an A5 version that can be folded in half to create a standing sign).


* 10 Hands-on Australian money activities (including task cards + photo examples of each activity)

* Learning Intention for every task

* Teacher Differentiation guide

* ACARA links

Assessment Tools:

* Pretest

* Differentiated Assessments (change flowers)

* Money investigation

* Editable Teacher Checklist

**Features new $5 and $10 design**

Skills covered:

★counting Australian coins and notes according to their value

★ordering and comparing money collections

★identifying equivalent values in collections of currency

★representing money values in multiple ways

★determining which Australian notes are needed to buy a particular item

★calculating change from $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 & $50

★rounding to the nearest 5c

★solving problems involving purchases (including change)

★solving money addition & subtraction problems


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Number of the Day templates

We are passionate about helping teachers at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope you and your students enjoy this resource!


❤️What other teachers are saying about this pack: ❤️

“There are so many great activities in this resource! I use them for independent activities and my students are really engaged in them. The change flowers are a great resource for practising this basic skill and give me great formative assessment information. Thank you for this incredibly useful resource!” The Avid Learner

“Packed full of awesome activities to help you teach money. Fabulous resource” Danielle

“Such a good variety of activities and differentiation, didn't need to think about how to target those lower or higher kids! My students loved the activities and as did I. Thank you!!” Natasha

“Such a fabulous pack...students love the games and covers so much of the content required in a fun, meaningful way! Thank you!!” Megan P

“Everything I needed and the kids really enjoyed the activities!” Megan M

“What an amazing resource. A great variety of activities which includes everything you need for the lessons. Thanks!” Sandi


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