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Hands-On Australian Money Pack | Year 1

Hands-On Australian Money Pack | Year 1

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This Australian money pack includes 10 focused tasks designed to provide your students with hands-on, differentiated activities to develop skills and a solid understanding when counting, ordering and sorting Australian notes and coins.

Tasks have been carefully created to meet ACARA standards (and outcomes across the Australian states) for this grade level and are aimed to build proficiency, fluency and confidence in students solving problems when using Australian money.

This Australian money pack not only provides opportunities for hands-on learning with Australian money, but also develops all five proficiency strands: communicating, problem-solving, reasoning, understanding and fluency. Looking for another Grade? Find our Year 2 Pack here.

How this Pack Works:

Each activity has a task card stated the learning intention that can be used by the teacher, parent helper or read by students themselves (2 versions of each task card is included: an A4 poster and an A5 version that can be folded in half to create a standing sign).


* 10 Hands-on Australian money activities (including task cards + photo examples of each activity)

* Learning Intention for every task

* Teacher Differentiation guide

* ACARA links

Assessment Tools:

* Pretest on Australian money

*Differentiated Assessments

* Open-ended word problem

* Money investigation

* Editable Teacher Checklist

**Features new $5 and $10 design**

Skills covered:

- Recognising & identifying Australian notes and coins

- Recognising & describing features of Australian money

- Sorting collections according to value

- Understanding the value of coins is not related to size

- Counting & creating collections of Australian money

- Recognising simple amounts can be made using different denominations

- Recognising coin combinations that make $1

- Recognising symbols for dollars and cents

- Making collections of coins to create a value

- Comparing Asian coins to Australian coins


❤️What people are saying about this resource ❤️

"Is so practical! Aligns to the syllabus and the class love the games!" Megan

"A great bundle of activities to reinforce and consolidate the money concept" Buyer

You might also like our Hands on Number Activities for Year 1.


We hope you and your students enjoy this resource!

Thanks for visiting!



Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF & PowerPoint

Number of pages: 74

File size: 38 MB

* Compressed Zip File


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