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Friends Of 10 Games | Addition & Subtraction Math Centres

Friends Of 10 Games | Addition & Subtraction Math Centres

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10 fun hands-on activities that are designed to develop skills and a solid understanding about number combinations that add to 10, as well as 20. Easily differentiated to meet the needs of every student.

The tasks have been carefully created to meet the common core standards and Australian curriculum outcomes for this grade level and will build proficiency, fluency, and confidence in allowing students to practice and develop their number skills.

This, in turn, will have a positive effect on their success in other mathematical strands and overall enjoyment for mathematics.

How this Pack Works:

Each activity has a task card that can be used by the teacher, parent helper or read by the students themselves (2 versions of each task card is included: an A4 poster and an A5 version that can be folded in half to create a standing sign).

On every A4 poster, there is a list of resources needed for the task. Activities can be used and differentiated for the whole class, used as components of numeracy rotations or intervention activities in small groups to support or extend students.

We have also included 2 pages for teachers to use as a guide to differentiate each task to cater for the individual learners in your classroom.

Skills covered:

  • Recognising pairs to make 10 and 20
  • Recognising three numbers to make 10
  • Identifying pairs of 10 and 20
  • Calculating pairs of 10 and 20
  • Solving number problems


❤️ What people are saying about this resource: ❤️

"Great Resource, very happy with purchase and quality. Used it in my Year 3/4 Class." Michelle P.

"Great for reinforcing ideas! " - Greta

"Fantastic activities to keep kids engaged during rotations!" - Katie

"These have my Grade 3's engaged and on task at all times when we do number rotations. They love them so much that they even request to play them during wet day timetables!" - Jayde

"My class loved Play it to Ten/Twenty. Thanks. Cant wait to introduce the others" - Susan


We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope that this resource helps you and your students!


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