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Teacher Assessment Book | Data Records [Eucalyptus Theme] [Editable]

Teacher Assessment Book | Data Records [Eucalyptus Theme] [Editable]

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This Editable teacher assessment book is designed to help teachers stay organised with all their data recording needs! Recording data in one central place makes life as a teacher so much easier when it comes to reporting writing, parent teacher interviews and grouping students.

This assessment book has been designed for you to easily personalise for all your data needs. It is also EDITABLE so you can use as a pen and paper booklet or digitally. All tables can be adapted and names can be added before you print saving you time (instructions included).

This Assessment Book is aligned with ACARA (Australian National Curriculum). It also includes files appropriate for teachers in the United States and other countries around the world.

Bind your Assessment Book or put it in a folder and continue to add extra pages as the year continues (guide for binding, printing and editing document included).

Included in the Teacher Assessment Book:

Cover Page (personalise with your name)

Editable Assessment Book

Editable recording tables for the following subject areas (subject areas are colour coded for convenience):

-Assessment Planner

-Literacy, English, Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening

-Mathematics, Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics & Probability

-Science, Science Inquiry Skills

-HASS, History, Geography, Civics & Citizenship

-The Arts, Visual Art, Drama, Dance, Media Arts, Music

-Technologies, Digital Technologies, Design & Technology

-Health & Physical Education, Health, Physical Education

-Report Data

-Standardised Test Data

-Student Notes

-Student Goals

-General checklists: Excursions, Merits & Awards, Homework, Medical

-Observation notes (2 styles)

-Anecdotal Notes (boxes large enough to fit post-its)

-Blank checklists

-Assessment book tabs (inside the read first document)

Plus a 'User guide' for teachers to help you print and edit.

This document includes everything you need to get organised, assist you with report writing and recording all your student data!

We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope that this Assessment Book makes your teacher life that little bit easier!


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❤️ What people are saying about this planner: ❤️

"An absolute MUST have/ life saver!!" Logan

"This has been a lifesaver for me!! As a first year teacher, I found this product simple, easy to use and beautiful!!! HIGHLY recommend" Rachael

"LOVE this resource - all of the data I need in one place - easy to flick to certain areas / parts of the book - fab! Off to bind it now" Jaimie

"Time Saver!! Excellent resource. Thank you! Looking forward to using it this year to keep all my data in one place." Jennie

"LOVE LOVE LOVE !!! Another fab resource from this amazing seller ! Not only is this assessment book gorgeous to look at but it is going to make my year of marking/reporting SO much easier. Flawless !" April


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Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF + Powerpoint

Number of pages: 72+

File size: 15 MB

* Compressed Zip File


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