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Fluency Game | Number Bonds & Doubles | Addition & Subtraction [Editable]

Fluency Game | Number Bonds & Doubles | Addition & Subtraction [Editable]

Regular price $3.50 AUD
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Children love to play games to learn! This is the perfect game to assist your students to become confident and competent mathematicians when learning their addition and subtraction facts! Editable templates are also included for you to create your own version of the game.

This game also comes in a times table version.

The purpose of this resource is to help your students learn and consolidate their number bond facts and recall. We have included 4 different versions of this game so you can easily differentiate according to your grade and/or student’s learning needs. Additionally, each set of number bond facts have 3 different question card options (addition with a missing addend, subtraction number sentence and a ‘friends to…’).

We encourage you to provide opportunities to use concrete materials such as a a tens frame, counters or number chart to support students who may need it.


  • Number Bonds to 10 question and board cards
  • Number Bonds to 20 question and board cards
  • Number Bonds to 50 question and board cards (multiples of 5 only)
  • Doubles question and board cards (1-12)
  • Halves question and board cards (2-24)
  • Recording sheet (to use with third variation of the game)
  • Reflection Sheet (could be used as an exit ticket)
  • Exit ticket template
  • Editable templates to create your own game! (see separate file)

Teacher Note: Each set of Number Bonds has 3 versions of the question cards you can choose for your students: addition algorithm, subtraction algorithm and a ‘friends to…’ version. They are all labelled at the top of each page. Choose the question cards that best suit your students and where they are up to in their learning. Alternatively, you can have different students playing different variations for simple differentiation.

Setup and printing suggestions:

This game has been designed using ‘Guess Who’ style boards. For teachers in Australia, Kmart sells a similar version of this game for $5. It is called ‘Who is it?’

Other printing suggestions and tips are included in the package.


You might also be interested in our Speed test booklets for Number Fact Recall or our Times table version of this game.


❤️ What teachers are saying about this resource: ❤️

"Excellent resource, thank you!" Pip

"My kids love this game" Sarah

"Fantastic resource! Thank you!" Miss Practical

"Great idea on how to use this game for Math! My students love playing it! It's a great way to practice math facts!" Mrs Ladd


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