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Easter Doubles & Near Doubles Easter Egg Hunt | Easter Addition & Subtraction

Easter Doubles & Near Doubles Easter Egg Hunt | Easter Addition & Subtraction

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Keep your students excited about mastering the doubles and near doubles strategy with this awesome Easter egg hunt math lesson! It is a fun way to work on these facts and your students are guaranteed to enjoy it (especially the Easter egg hunt element).

The Multiplication and Division version of this lesson is here.


We have included 6 different versions of this activity to suit the learners in your classroom. All six can be used simultaneously (or you could spread them over 3-4 different lessons).

Eggs have been colour-coded to assist in making differentiation easy for you.

How the Number Easter Egg Hunt lesson works:

Decide what number facts your students will be working on. Print the eggs and hide them around the room when they are out on a break.

When your students return, give them each a recording template to match the facts they are looking for and ask them to look for an egg. When they find an egg, they answer the question and cross it off on their recording sheet. The aim is to get all their answers marked off.

This lesson could easily be repeated throughout the week because it is so much fun!

Resource Inclusions:

  • Doubles to 12 answer sheet
  • Doubles to 12 (green/blue eggs)
  • Doubles to 100 answer sheet
  • Doubles to 100 (pink/yellow eggs)
  • Near doubles addition answer sheet
  • Near doubles addition (yellow/green eggs)
  • Subtraction Doubles to 12 answer sheet
  • Subtraction Doubles to 12 (green/blue eggs)
  • Subtraction Doubles to 100 answer sheet
  • Subtraction Doubles to 100 (pink/yellow eggs)
  • Subtraction Near doubles answer sheet
  • Subtraction Near doubles (yellow/green eggs)

Other ways to use these Easter Egg Hunt templates:

You can use these templates in your classroom or home school in many ways. They are a fun lesson warmup, Easter-themed math rotation task or revision lessons. They also provide an effortless way to differentiate for your students who are working on mastering different number facts.

Once students have completed one lesson, they may even want to create their own hunt.

If you creatively use this resource, we would love to hear about it so we can share it with our Rainbow Sky community.


We hope you and your students enjoy using this resource!

Thanks for visiting!

Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF

Number of pages: 15

File size: 15 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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