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Doubles & Halves Chatterboxes | Doubling Maths Centres

Doubles & Halves Chatterboxes | Doubling Maths Centres

Regular price $3.00 AUD
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STOP for an awesome doubles math lesson! These chatterboxes / fortune tellers / cootie catchers are the perfect way to work on doubling and halving fluency - plus your students are going to LOVE it!!

These chatterboxes are perfect for:

  • A fun doubles / halves fluency lesson
  • As a lesson warmup
  • Math rotation task
  • Fast finisher task
  • Homework activity or
  • Revision lesson


A range of templates have been included. Allocate chatterboxes according to your students learning needs. Some students may be working on doubling numbers 1-8, while others are working on halving tens numbers.

The best part is, they are all still completing the same fun task but at a level that meets their need.

Additionally, we have included a blank template for students to create their own chatterboxes and challenge themselves further.

What is included:

  • Doubling numbers 1-8
  • Doubling numbers 8-15
  • Doubling tens numbers (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)
  • Halving numbers 2-16
  • Halving numbers 16-30
  • Halving tens numbers (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)
  • Blank chatterbox for students to create their own

No further teacher prep, just print and watch your students have fun!


❤️What other teachers are saying about our chatterboxes ❤️

"These were such a hit, I couldn't print them off fast enough for my students! Thanks for an engaging activity" Shari

"My students absolutely loved this resource. " Danielle

"My students loved playing with these in class and during centers." Katie

"My students loved this resource. So fun, hands-on and engaging." Lauren T


We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations, we hope you and your students enjoy this resource!

Thanks for visiting!


Product Info

Electronic download

File Type: PDF

Number of pages: 10

File size: 15 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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