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Australian Money Scavenger Hunt | Australian Money Word Problems | Year 3

Australian Money Scavenger Hunt | Australian Money Word Problems | Year 3

Regular price $3.50 AUD
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This Australian money investigation is designed to provide you and your students with a fun and interactive way to practice maths skills using Australian notes and coins. The pack is made up of 8 Australian money word problems for students to solve. Each answer is recorded on the top of the next question to complete.

Problems vary and focus on addition skills using money, finding change (subtraction) and recognising equivalent values in Australian notes and coins. Problems have been carefully created to meet ACARA standards and will build proficiency, fluency and confidence when working with money.


How this Pack Works:

1. Introduce the investigation to your students (set the stage to engage).

2. Display each of the 8 problem cards around your classroom + give each student a recording sheet.

3. Allocate students to a problem to begin working on (it does not matter where students begin because the scavenger hunt/investigation is set up in a loop.

4. Students work on each problem by reading/solving it. They look for the answer to the question by looking at the note and coin combinations on the top of the next card. When they find the one that matches the answer they are looking for, they begin working on the new problem underneath (if they cannot find the answer, this indicated to the student they have made a mistake and need to attempt the problem again.)

No further teacher prep needed, simply print and use!


What is included:

  • Teacher Differentiation Ideas
  • Investigation - set the stage to engage (see preview)
  • 8 self checking word problems
  • Recording sheet
  • Challenge task
  • Answer guides


❤️What people are saying about this resource ❤️

“My students loved walking around the room while reading and solving the hints.” Rebecca

“A Great resource, thank you!” Gina

“My students love using this resource, it was very engaging and caters well for class diversity.” Ella

“Students loved being able to hunt for the shapes in teams. was so fun to watch them work together to figure out the clues!” Bronwyn


We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations, we hope you and your students enjoy this resource!

Thanks for visiting!



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