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ANZAC Day Flipbook | Australia | ANZAC Activities | Grades 3-6 [Digital & Printable]

ANZAC Day Flipbook | Australia | ANZAC Activities | Grades 3-6 [Digital & Printable]

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This Anzac Day flipbook is a great way for students to explore and learn more about the significance of ANZAC Day and why Australians and New Zealanders commemorate this day. The flipbook could be used as a class display or a student learning keepsake.

There is a a digital and printable version included.

Included in the Anzac Day Flipbook:

The flipbook has been set up with five categories for students to complete:

1. What is ANZAC Day?

2. Symbols of ANZAC Day

3. Fact Finder (social media summary)

4. We will remember them

5. ANZAC Heroes

  • Google Presentation included - Anzac Day Flipbook

ANZAC Day Activity Packs


Years 1 - 2

Years 3 - 4

Years 5 - 6


Year 1

Year 2 - 3

Year 4 - 6


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Product Info 

Electronic download

File Type: PDF

Number of pages: 16

File size: 19 MB

* Compressed Zip File

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