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Flip It Games | Addition Fluency Games | Single Digit Addition

Flip It Games | Addition Fluency Games | Single Digit Addition

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Fun games to help your students become fluent when adding single digit numbers! This resource is designed to provide your students with a hands-on activity to assist in building addition fluency skills. As your students use this resource, they will also begin to notice patterns when adding numbers which will in turn assist with fluency.

These games can be used for the whole class, as components of numeracy rotations, intervention activities in small groups to support or to extend students or at home for distance learning.

How the game works:

Games can be played with a partner or individually. Students flip a playing card and place it in the box. Then they add the card number with the number in the box, finally they place a counter on the answer.

The winner could be: The first to cover all the answers OR the first to cover an answer 4 times.


We have included 18 different game boards to help you differentiate easily. Ask students to work on different addition facts according to their ability. Once students are confident with games boards 2-10, move them onto adding to 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and even 100.

Resource inclusions:

•18 Flip it and add game boards (2-10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100)


No further teacher prep, simply print and use!


We also have these flip it games in a multiplication version.


We are passionate about helping teachers here at Rainbow Sky Creations. We hope you and your students enjoy these games.

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